was on sale
SALE sale作为英文名词 n. 可以解释为: 1. 卖,出售 2. 销售业务;营业;推销 3. 销售额 4. 销路 5. 廉价出售 (尤指季节性或存货的) 6. 拍卖 ···
Tax Sale
The sale of property that results when a taxpayer reaches a certain point of delinquency in his or her property tax payments. When this happens, the property o···
Fire Sale
A situation in which the prices of securities in the financial markets are considered to be very low. Typically, a fire sale situation is a good time to buy; h···
Over-55 Home Sale Exemption
An obsolete tax law that provided homeowners over the age of 55 with a one-time capital gains exclusion. Individuals who met the necessary requirements could e···
Drought Sale
When a farmer is forced to sell more animals than in a typical year because of poor weather conditions. The profits from the livestock sales can be deferred to···
Constructive Sale Rule - Section 1259
A section of the Internal Revenue Code that expands the types of transactions that are considered to be sales and are subject to capital gains tax. According t···
Bargain Sale To A Charitable Organization
The sale of a good or service to a charitable organization for less than the fair market value of the good or service received.Bargain sales are often used by···
Negotiated Sale
A method of offering municipal bonds or similar financial instruments in which the issuing entity and a selected underwriter negotiate the terms of the issue,···
Short Sale
A market transaction in which an investor sells borrowed securities in anticipation of a price decline and is required to return an equal number of shares at s···
Breakpoint Sale
The sale of a mutual fund at a set dollar amount that allows the fundholder to move into a lower sales charge bracket. If, at the time of investment, an invest···
Last-Sale Reporting
An electronic entry, to the Nasdaq stock market, of the amount and price of shares involved in a transaction's not less than a board lot. Taobiz explains Last-···
agreement for sale and purchase
Strategic sale
conditional sale agreement
commercial sale